


  • 各英連邦加盟国の首都でジュビリービーコンが点灯されます。
  • 記念切手や記念コインが作られます。
  • 6月3日にセント・ポール大聖堂で女王の治世に感謝する礼拝が行われます。
  • 6月4日、バッキンガム宮殿で大規模なコンサートが行われ、テレビで放映される予定です。
  • 6月5日には、大道芸、演劇、音楽、カーニバルなど、英国および英連邦の人々が参加する野外劇が開催される。この野外劇では、子供たちが描いた希望の絵が描かれた200枚のシルクの旗を並べ、希望の川を表現しながら、トラファルガー広場からバッキンガム宮殿までの「ザ・マル」という通りをパレードする予定です。
  • 6月5日のジュビリーランチでは、地域のつながりを深めるために、近隣の人々が集まり、食べ物や飲み物、楽しいアクティビティでお祝いをします。



狼煙 Beacons

英連邦国家 commonwealth nation

カーニバル carnival

野外劇 pageant

Attention everyone out there everyone who loves British English, the Queen, a nice cup of tea, or is taking the IELTS test in the hope of studying at a British university or living in the UK! February 6th marked 70 years on the throne for Queen Elizabeth. This means she will be the longest serving monarch in British history and so British people and commonwealth country citizens across the world will be marking this Platinum anniversary between the 2nd and 5th June. The Queen and British culture are also particularly loved in Japan which is why so many Japanese people travel to London each year to visit Buckingham palace, go shopping in Harrods, or demand British English lessons.

What will happen to mark this occasion?

  • Jubilee beacons will be lit across the capital cities of each commonwealth nation
  • Commemorative stamps and coins have been produced to mark the occasion
  • There will be a thanksgiving service for the Queen’s reign on June 3rd at St Paul’s cathedral
  • On June 4th there will be a big concert at Buckingham palace broadcasted on tv.
  • On June 5th there will be a pageant attended by people from across the UK and Commonwealth with street arts, theater, music, and carnival. This pageant will also include a parade across the Mall though an array of 200 silk flags decorated with images of hope drawn by children to represent a river of hope.
  • There will be street parties across the UK with bunting hanging up and neighbours gathering to celebrate with food, drink and fun activities culminating with a big Jubilee lunch together on June 5th to build community connections.



beacons 狼煙

commonwealth nation 英連邦国家

carnival カーニバル

pageant 野外劇

the Mall 「ザ・マル」:ロンドンにあるトラファルガー広場からバッキンガム宮殿までの通り

bunting フラッグガーランド