日本人がよく間違える英語: 病気に関して


“I was heatstroke last week. Take care not to become heatstroke.”


その生徒さんがなんでこのような間違いをしたのかはよくわかります。病気に関して話すとき、日本語では「〜になる」や「〜だ」とよく言います。英語に直訳するとbecome ~be~ に当たりますよね。

例: 先週熱中症になった。先週熱中症だった。




“I had heatstroke last week. Take care not to get heatstroke.”

“My friend had the flu.”


“I feel sick.”  (気分が悪い)
“I feel dizzy.”  (めまいがする)

英語で病気の話をしたいときは必ず、名詞の時はhavegetを使い、形容詞のときはbe, become, feelを使うようにしましょう。


In a recent English lesson one of my students, inspired by the recent hot weather we’ve been experiencing, said, 

“I was heatstroke last week. Take care not to become heatstroke.”

Can you spot the mistakes in these sentences? 

I know why my student made this mistake. When talking about illness, we often use the Japanese 〜になる, or 〜だ, which directly translate into English as become~, or be~

Eg. 先週熱中症になった。先週熱中症だった。

Heatstroke is the name of a medical condition, and therefore a noun. If we use become (or be) with a noun, it means that we are that noun. But my student never was heatstroke — she was (and always will be) a human being. 

So instead, when we talk about illness, and we want to use a noun, we usually use have (instead of be) or get (instead of become). 

For example,

“I had heatstroke last week. Take care not to get heatstroke.”
“My friend had the flu.” 

Having said this, there are some cases where we can talk about illness using the be verb.

If we use an adjective to talk about our illness, then we can use be or become

For example,

“I’m sick.”
“I’m dizzy.” 

We can also use feel:

“I feel sick.”
“I feel dizzy.” 

So, whenever you want to talk about illness in English, remember – if it’s a noun, use have or get; if it’s an adjective, use be, become, or feel. 

This blog is part of a series on common English mistakes that Japanese people make. Click here to view the other blog posts in the series.