英語のコア・エリア: 正確さ










  • 文法・発音ドリル – ほとんどの人にとって退屈に思えるかもしれませんが、教室や自宅での文法ドリルは、特に初級の学習者にとって、文法構造やその使い方の基本的な理解を深めるのに最適な方法です。
  • 文脈の中で語彙を学ぶ – 新しい単語を学ぶときは、意味だけでなく、その単語がどのように使われるかを学ぶことが大切です。よく使われる単語の組み合わせ(コロケーション)は正しいか?フォーマルかインフォーマルか?例文などがあればメモしておきましょう。
  • 繰り返した間違いをメモする – 英語学習者であれば、誰でも何度も繰り返してしまう間違いがあるものです。自分がどのような間違いをしているのか、先生やネイティブの友達に聞けば喜んで教えてくれるでしょう。自分が話したり書いたりするときに、このような間違いに注意して、自分で訂正してみましょう。
  • 添削 – コネクトのような語学学校に通うことが有益な理由のひとつです!英語を話す友人も添削してくれますが、友人はあなたへの心遣いから、添削してくれないこともよくあります。
  • 本物の英語 – 正確さを向上させる最善の方法のひとつは、正しい英語に浸ることです。できるだけ多くの英語を読んだり、見たり、聞いたりすることで、何が正しくて、何が正しくないのかを理解できるようになります。正しい文脈で使われる単語を聞けば、正しい発音とイントネーションを聞くことになります。イマージョン・ラーニングとその方法についてもっとお知りになりたい方は、イマージョン・ラーニングに関するブログ記事をご覧ください。



Core Areas: Accuracy

Here at Connect, we believe in the importance of all of the key skills, or core areas, of language proficiency. In this series of blog posts, we will be looking at each core area in turn, and giving you some tips for how you can improve your skills in that area. Our first core area is Accuracy. 

What is accuracy?

When it comes to language learning, accuracy is generally thought of as the ability to use a language correctly. This not only includes the correct use of grammar, but of vocabulary and pronunciation as well. 

Why is accuracy important?

Accuracy is important because it affects communication. While some small inaccuracies can be overlooked, a lack of accuracy can cause confusion and misunderstanding for the listener. What’s more, the average native English speaker outside of the English classroom may not be as patient or understanding as your English teacher, and misunderstandings caused by inaccuracies can often lead to frustration and breakdowns in communication.

OK, now I’m worried about my accuracy…

While it is true that accuracy is important, you shouldn’t worry about it too much. One problem that many English learners here in Japan have is that they worry about their accuracy so much that they often don’t say anything at all. Does that sound familiar to you? Although you should try to be accurate, the important thing to remember is that it’s OK to make mistakes! Making mistakes is often how we learn, especially when they are pointed out to us and we are given the chance to correct them. So, don’t be afraid of making mistakes – try to say something! Your accuracy will improve over time. 

Ways to improve your accuracy

Here are some ways you can improve your accuracy:

  • Grammar and pronunciation drillsWhile they may seem boring to most people, grammar exercises in the classroom or at home can be a great way to improve your basic understanding of grammatical structures and how to use them, especially for lower level learners.
  • Learning vocabulary in contextWhen learning a new word, it’s important to learn not just the meaning, but how that word is used. Are there any common word combinations (collocations)? Is it formal or informal? Take note of any example sentences that you see.
  • Making a note of any repeated mistakesAs language learners, we all have certain mistakes that we make again and again. If you don’t know which mistakes you make, your teacher or native-speaking friend will be happy to tell you if you ask them. Listen out for these mistakes when you speak or write and correct yourself.
  • CorrectionBeing corrected is one of the ways we learn to fix our accuracy mistakes, and is one of the main reasons why we believe going to a language school like Connect can be so beneficial! English-speaking friends can also help to correct you, but friends will often not correct you out of politeness.
  • Real EnglishOne of the best ways to improve your accuracy is to immerse yourself in correct English. If you read, watch and listen to as much English as you can, you will begin to understand what is correct and what isn’t. You will hear words used in the correct context. You will hear correct pronunciation and intonation. If you want to read more about immersion learning and how to do it you can read our blog post on immersion learning here.

To sum up, improving accuracy is an important part of learning any language. You shouldn’t, however, be so worried about it that you never say anything in conversation. If you use some of the tips in this blog post and work hard at correcting your most common mistakes, your accuracy will improve over time. 

If you’d like some help improving your accuracy, an English conversation school like Connect is a great place to start! You can book a free level check and trial lesson here, or find out more about the school and the courses we offer here.


  • proficiency (n) – ability – 能力
  • beneficial (adj) – producing good results – 有益な
  • context (n) – situation, the parts of a sentence or conversation before and after a word – 文脈