

コネクトキッズでは教科書を一旦おいて、ワクワクするようなクリスマスゲームやアクティビティをして楽しみました。クリスマスカードを作ったり、フラッシュカードで新しいクリスマスに関する単語を学んだり、「Pass the Parcel」や「Pin the Nose on the Reindeer」というゲームをして、子供達はたくさんの賞品をゲットしていました。クリスマス・キリスト降誕物語も読みました。サンタの帽子をかぶった子どもたちの笑い声が響き渡り、クリスマス気分に浸ることができました。

また先週末にはベトナムレストランSen Việtでクリスマスパーティーを開催しました。英会話スクールと日本語学校の生徒さんと先生方が一緒にクリスマスをお祝いをする特別な時間となりました。ベトナム料理を食べたり、クリスマスゲームをしたり、とても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。パーティーを盛り上げてくださった皆さんに心から感謝致します!また次回のイベントでお会いできることを楽しみにしています。来年からの最新ニュースもお楽しみに!




A Merry Christmas at Connect


Christmas time at Connect Eikaiwa School is always merry and bright and filled with the sounds of cheerful children. In December, we decorate our classrooms with lights, tinsel, snowflakes and more to create a positive place for learning English.

At Connect Kids School, we put our textbooks aside and enjoyed various exciting Christmas games and activities. We created Christmas greeting cards, learned new Christmas words with flashcards, and played games called ‘Pass the Parcel’ and ‘Pin the Nose on the Reindeer’, with lots of prizes to be won. We also read The Christmas Nativity story. There was plenty of laughter from the children, in their festive Santa hats, adding to the Christmas spirit. 

We also had our Christmas Party at Sen Việt Vietnamese Restaurant last weekend. It was a special time as students and teachers from our English and Japanese classes met to celebrate together. We had a very good time talking, eating Vietnamese food, and playing Christmas games. A big thank you to everyone who made the party so great! We hope to see you again at our next events. Please watch for more news in the new year.

Did you know?

Christmas is originally a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who they believe is God’s Son. On December 25th they thank God for sending Jesus who gives hope and saves humans. Christians mark it with church services, singing, and spending time with loved ones.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  • decorate (v): To adorn or add ornaments to something
    Example: “We decorate our Christmas tree with lights and tinsel.”
  • cheerful (adj): Full of happiness and positive spirits.
    Example: “The cheerful laughter of children filled the room during the party.”
  • festive (adj): Relating to a festival, especially Christmas.
    Example: “The streets are festive with holiday lights and decorations.”
  • nativity (n): The birth of Jesus Christ, often depicted in Christmas scenes.
    Example: “A nativity scene was displayed, showing baby Jesus in a manger.”